Monday, May 18, 2009

Ask Lovekinz, new question!

SavannahO's just submitted an "Ask Lovekinz" question, asking

Dear Lovekinz,

Why does the phone say ''User already online sometimes''?

I am pretty sure that the "User already online" thing is a glitch, nothing to worry about though. Try turning off the phone and closing the phone window and then opening it and turning it on again. If that doesn't work, try logging off Webkinz and then back on. Thanks for your question, I hope this helps!

Webkinz Forever, (and always!)



Anonymous said...

I have an account and i finished level 1 and level 2 on the key to kinzville but i didn't get the prizes. Can you help me figure this out?

Anonymous said...

Never mind. It comes eventually.